How to choose the right tire? Trust the experts. Take BKT’s word for it

By MEq November 16, 2021 20:01

How to choose the right tire? Trust the experts. Take BKT’s word for it

Selecting the right tire for your machinery is far from trivial and can prove to be a real challenge for various users, even the most experts. Depending on working habits, soil conditions, load, and type of transport, the tire can change considerably.

For those who prefer to learn more independently about the solution that best suits their needs, BKT makes available on its website the agriculture, industrial and earthmoving sections. Here, once the relevant machinery has been selected, it is possible to consult the tire models and the most suitable sizes for each operation.

However, this is only a general indication, because the product may not perform at its best in the specific situation. And no digital or paper tool can replace the know-how of an expert. To make the right choice, the advice is therefore always to contact a professional for specific advice, to make operations efficient and sustainable.

Modern tires are advanced and sometimes extremely specific products. In a company they represent an important technical element, so specific skills are needed to make the most of them.
BKT and its distributors are spokespersons for a simple message: “Trust the experts”. Because experts do not judge, but they listen and evaluate. No question is ever wrong if asked in good time.

Using an unsuitable tire leads, over time, to two important consequences:
• Early replacement, replacement costs, vehicle downtime, cancellation of the investment in the chosen tire;
• A waste of resources, time, and above all consumption, going against any idea of sustainability.

Among the main mistakes in agriculture is: choosing the wrong tire for the wrong application, or thinking that the tire can be easily adapted to uses other than those intended. For example, when you apply a loader on the front of the tractor, you generate a load that goes beyond the load capacity of the tire, and thus it is damaged ahead of time.

Another common way of damaging tires is to seek excessive traction compared to the tires and the vehicle itself.
It is important to have ambitious goals, but without exaggerating. Always have a critical eye on the means available.

The world may be technological, but there is always a great need for people. It is their experience and know-how which can find a solution to every single case and request. Without underestimating the role and the fundamental weight that direct dialogue with a user can generate for the research and development of new products and solutions. Because this is exactly the recipe for BKT’s success.

By MEq November 16, 2021 20:01