New B7-6 midi-excavator with Sigma boom concept

By MEq May 24, 2016 11:04

New B7-6 midi-excavator with Sigma boom concept

Earlier this year, Yanmar has introduced its new B7 Sigma-6, an 8-ton zero tail midi-excavator fitted with a unique and revolutionary boom concept on the European market: the Sigma concept.

The genesis of this concept is to be found in the development of urban areas where the scarcity of space has become a critical factor for the construction contractors. Here, the width and turning radius of the excavator have a significant impact on traffic congestion. The B7 Sigma-6 unique 3-piece offset boom configuration makes the B7-6 the most compact 8-10-ton excavator on the market with a minimum front radius of 1,326 mm. This means that the B7-6 can turn 360° in 2.65 m.
The main characteristic of the Sigma concept is that the second articulation of the boom provides lateral movement of the arm and attachment without any rotation of the upper frame. This enables to increase the productivity of the machine and its working amplitude. The specific design of the boom also improves the precision of the B7-6, particularly in areas where accessibility is limited. It also allows optimal visibility on the jobsites.

The B7-6 is equipped with the newest generation (Y-HARMONIZER) of Yanmar TNV engines which is already compliant with the proposed EU Stage 5 requirements. This means that the emission of ultrafine particulate matter is reduced and that the machines will need no further modification whatsoever to comply with future regulation. The B7-6 shares also the upper carriage of the ViO80-1, allowing the B7-6 to benefit from the same spacious environment and low noise cabin level. It also benefits from the same instrumentation, including a modern LCD monitor, an eco-mode and an auto-idle. Furthermore, the B7-6 improves its versatility through the standard proportional control of the auxiliary hydraulic circuit, with additional flow control for an improved precision.

By MEq May 24, 2016 11:04