Hyundai CE Europe reveals all-new look for A-series machines

By MEq November 15, 2019 21:43

Hyundai CE Europe reveals all-new look for A-series machines

During the yearly Construction Equipment dealer conference, held at the European headquarters, a brand-new look for the A-series machines was revealed by the HCEE management team. The new Stage V compliant A-series machines, which includes wheel loaders and excavators, will now adopt a ‘fresh’ new color combination – and the traditional yellow arm and boom, will be replaced by a modern grey-green tone, which is identical to the current color of the undercarriage.

Ready to further strengthen the Hyundai Construction Equipment brand
The new livery for the HCEE brand will enable customers to easily distinguish an A-Series machine in the field. HCEE says that changing the current color scheme for the A-Series will have a big impact on the brand.

1. The new-look will strengthen the brand image. Hyundai believes that the new grey-green color of the arm and boom will give the A-series a more recognizable image – distinguishing the machines from competitors’ brands, as Hyundai strengthen its presence within the European market.

2. The color of the ‘HYUNDAI’ logo, as featured on the boom, will also change and will be white and bold, which is aimed at improving the brand visibility and recognition of the machine. Again, this change will distinguish an A-series excavator or wheel loader operating in the field.

3. Brand quality improvement. The new dark tone of the arm and boom will also ensure that the natural discoloration from oil, dirt, and grease, will be less visible. Which will also look great from an aesthetic point of view!
The new colors will be applied to the following range of A-series machines with immediate effect.

By MEq November 15, 2019 21:43