Socage acquires auto-cranes producer Manotti
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At the end of 2016 Socage acquired the Italian company Manotti SpA situated in Boretto (Reggio Emilia). The historic company in Sorbara (Modena), a leader in the aerial platforms field, decided to make its group grow and to reinforce more its position on the market acquiring the Manotti, a rival company also if it worked mainly in the auto-cranes field.
“When this opportunity presented to me – explains Fiorenzo Flisi, president of the SOCAGE Group– we immediately decided to replace the Manotti family. SOCAGE held in particular high regard the acquisition of this company for two reasons: first, for the company’s placement in the auto-cranes field, showing evident growing signals especially abroad. Second, for the possibility of concentrate in a unique production hub our Group’s different operative institutions, with evident savings in economic terms and the productive processes optimization.
Fiorenzo Flisi added that Manotti, a family-run company has been in deep financial crisis for a long time and there had been difficulties paying its workers. Manotti has a sales volume of 13 million euros and orders underway for 7 million euros.
“Now, with this new ownership the 60 workers can take a sigh of relief, seen that the new ownership has promised the maintenance of all the job roles and it has undertaken for the arrears payment. I’m very happy for the rescue of this work-related institution being this Company a very important institution in this area” – said Marco Begnozzi, a proponent of the trade union Fiom of Reggio Emilia.