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Tag "IoT"

Partnership on autonomous systems to set new standards

Partnership on autonomous systems to set new standards

🕔09:53, 28.Apr 2022

Palfinger announces a new collaboration with Ammann, Prinoth, Rosenbauer, and TTControl as part of the Autonomous Operation Cluster (AOC). Together they start developing key technologies for off-highway applications based on computer vision and artificial intelligence. The biggest challenge for technology

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Putzmeister machine data available in t-matix systems via API

Putzmeister machine data available in t-matix systems via API

🕔15:16, 16.Dec 2020

In cooperation with t-matix, Putzmeister has developed an interface solution with which already measured machine data can be directly integrated into an existing t-matix IoT platform.  
Usually, the machines and equipment on a construction site are provided by several manufacturers

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Șantierul viitorului. Șantierul conectat

Șantierul viitorului. Șantierul conectat

🕔12:03, 23.May 2018

Odată cu apariția sistemelor 3D grade control și a celor telematice, industria a început o transformare totală, care a în ultimii ani a luat un puternic avânt. Comenzile inteligente ale mașinilor, posibile datorită tehnologiei electrificării, împreună cu datele digitale colectate

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Komatsu selects NVIDIA as partner for deploying AI to create safer, more efficient construction sites

Komatsu selects NVIDIA as partner for deploying AI to create safer, more efficient construction sites

🕔00:10, 16.Dec 2017

Komatsu has selected NVIDIA as its partner to bring AI (Artificial Intelligence) to jobsites, making them safer and more efficient. The partnership will focus on Komatsu using NVIDIA GPUs to visualize and analyze entire construction sites. The NVIDIA Jetson AI

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Impactul Internet of Things (IoT) asupra vehiculelor off-highway

Impactul Internet of Things (IoT) asupra vehiculelor off-highway

🕔16:27, 8.Jul 2017

Propunerea pentru Internet of Things (IoT) în domeniul utilajelor miniere și pentru construcții cuprinde creşterea productivităţii, reducerea timpilor de inactivitate și un profit mai bun. Iar ultimele studii arată că până în 2020 numărul utilajelor interconectate va creşte semnificativ. |

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