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Tag "camion Ford Trucks"

A new era in heavy commercial vehicles with Ecotorq GEN2 exclusive to F-MAX and F-LINE

A new era in heavy commercial vehicles with Ecotorq GEN2 exclusive to F-MAX and F-LINE

🕔18:57, 10.Mar 2025

Ford Trucks, one of the leading brands of the heavy commercial vehicle industry, is launching the new generation Ecotorq GEN2 engine developed with state-of-the-art engineering solutions. Specially designed for the F-MAX and F-LINE models, which are highly acclaimed in the

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Primul F-max din România livrat de Ford Trucks

Primul F-max din România livrat de Ford Trucks

🕔23:20, 12.Mar 2019

Cefin Trucks, unic importator și distribuitor al brandului Ford Trucks în România, anunță livrarea primului F-MAX (“Camionul Anului 2019”) către VESNA GS. Modelul este un F-MAX 1850 T automat, cu intarder, kit de basculare și climă in staționare. În viitorul

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