5.5-tonne MAN TGE with significant payload increase

By MEq July 16, 2018 17:15

5.5-tonne MAN TGE with significant payload increase

MAN is expanding its range of weight classes for vans with the MAN TGE 6.100 and MAN TGE 6.180. Offering almost half a ton of additional payload in the same, wide-ranging product selection, the MAN TGE 5.5-tonner is the ideal van for heavy-duty applications and robust bodies.

The 5.5-tonne (total permissible gross weight) vehicles provide significant extra payload (amounting to almost half a tonne) compared with the 5-tonne TGE. The new 5.5-tonner will be available in the same lengths and versions. This is especially appealing to customers whose operations involve heavy-duty transport orders, such as vans with workshop fittings for tradespeople. Nor is there any problem as regards bodies with a higher dead weight, such as tipper platform bodies for the construction industry.

MAN achieves the higher total permissible gross weight (based on the 5-tonne TGE) by technically modifying the brake system and chassis. The 5.5-tonner comes with reinforced leaf springs on the rear axle, which now has an increased axle load of 4,000 kilograms as a result. In addition, the heavy-duty TGE is equipped with strong, 17-inch, internally ventilated disc brakes on the front and rear axles. The only technical changes are that the 5.5-tonner has larger wheels, meaning that it requires different tires (205/70 R17 C 115/113 (HH2)). At unladen weight, the upgrade only adds 20 kilograms. This means that the 5.5 t version of the MAN TGE can now offer customers 480 kilograms of additional payload.

By MEq July 16, 2018 17:15