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Kesla brings to the market a new generation of harvester heads

Kesla brings to the market a new generation of harvester heads

🕔10:25, 29.Apr 2020

The brand new Kesla 19RH-III and 21RH-III harvester heads represent the latest technology on the market in terms of structure, materials, and functionality. With the new models, Kesla strengthens its position as a leading harvester head manufacturer independent from base

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Metoda Cut-to-Length este viitorul în exploatarea forestieră

Metoda Cut-to-Length este viitorul în exploatarea forestieră

🕔15:52, 26.Apr 2020

Despre metoda de recoltare forestieră Cut-to-Length (CTL) am mai amintit și în alte articole de pe Modernă, nature-friendly, ea presupune tăierea arborilor în pădure la anumite dimensiuni, folosind utilaje special proiectate pentru acest scop, apoi încărcarea și transportul lor

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Eco Log and Gremo become one

Eco Log and Gremo become one

🕔21:02, 17.Apr 2020

Eco Log and Gremo are now planning for a common future as a strong and comprehensive operator in the forest machine business. A first step has been taken as an Intent of Merger has been signed to move the production

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Ponsse launches a new powerful harvester head for processing eucalyptus trees

Ponsse launches a new powerful harvester head for processing eucalyptus trees

🕔12:28, 2.Apr 2020

Ponsse launches a new debarking Ponsse H8HD Euca harvester head for eucalyptus sites. The new powerful harvester head has been designed as a response to our customers’ needs, and it further strengthens Ponsse’s strategy to be the leading global manufacturer

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Forest Tract Skid XXL – un tractor forestier articulat durabil și productiv

Forest Tract Skid XXL – un tractor forestier articulat durabil și productiv

🕔14:59, 1.Apr 2020

Procesarea lemnului este o activitate laborioasă și necesită o productivitate ridicată, care însă trebuie să meargă mână în mână cu sustenabilitatea, pentru a proteja planeta de impactul negativ al carbonului și al gazelor cu efect de seră, precum și habitatul

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New grapple saws 550 EC-10 and 550S EC-10

New grapple saws 550 EC-10 and 550S EC-10

🕔17:55, 31.Mar 2020

Hultdins has developed a new grapple saw, Easy Connect (EC). It comes in two models: the standard 550 EC-10, suitable for trucks and forwarders, and the 550S EC-10 with a sturdier frame, stronger and more protection around the saw motor/saw

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Tigercat releases 602 grapple skidder

Tigercat releases 602 grapple skidder

🕔15:05, 18.Mar 2020

Quick, compact and fuel-efficient, the 602 grapple skidder is ideal for high-value selective logging in tight or challenging terrain. The size and agility of the 602 grapple skidder make it ideal for selective felling applications. The machine can access high-value

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Tigercat launches the new information system LogOn

Tigercat launches the new information system LogOn

🕔16:15, 3.Mar 2020

Tigercat announces the launch of LogOn, a powerful onboard information system to optimize machine performance and reduce downtime. Users can now easily access detailed machine data and diagnostics tools at the worksite, including mechanical parameters, fuel economy, performance metrics, service

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Reliability, efficiency and convenient servicing on a whole new level with Eco Log’s F-series

Reliability, efficiency and convenient servicing on a whole new level with Eco Log’s F-series

🕔22:22, 28.Feb 2020

Eco Log is now launching the new F-series which presents Harvesters and Forwarders equipped with Stage V engines from Volvo Penta. Like their predecessors, the engines are characterized by high reliability, efficient performance, quick response and environment friendliness – characteristics

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Ponsse strengthens its position in the harvester head market

Ponsse strengthens its position in the harvester head market

🕔18:53, 20.Feb 2020

Ponsse launches the new H9 harvester head at the Oregon Logging Conference in the USA. The new harvester head strengthens Ponsse’s strategy to be the leading manufacturer also for harvester heads. The new Ponsse H9 challenges other products in the

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So compact and so flexible: new Doppstadt AK 315 is available now

So compact and so flexible: new Doppstadt AK 315 is available now

🕔12:17, 5.Feb 2020

Versatile, flexible and combinable for custom-made solutions: AK 315, a new fine grinder from Doppstadt with enhanced equipment, is launched. Recycling centers, compost sites, and agricultural service are exactly the enterprises the AK 315 is made for. The smallest fine

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Ponsse Cobra – un harvester solid, ancorat în tehnologia finlandeză

Ponsse Cobra – un harvester solid, ancorat în tehnologia finlandeză

🕔11:06, 3.Feb 2020

În toamna anului 2018, Ponsse lansa harvesterul Cobra. Printre punctele forte ale modelului Ponsse Cobra sunt versatilitatea în diferite tipuri de lucrări, un grup motopropulsor eficient și un sistem hidraulic puternic. Noul harvester poate lucra cu o serie de echipamente,

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Tigercat introduces the 850 roadside processor

Tigercat introduces the 850 roadside processor

🕔21:15, 22.Jan 2020

The Tigercat 850 processor is a purpose-built roadside processor delivering outstanding performance and impressive fuel economy. Designed for high volume roadside processing, the Tigercat 850 offers many advantages over excavator conversions including better service access, higher cooling capacity and processor

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Eficiența și versatilitatea puse laolaltă pe utilaje forestiere de mici dimensiuni

Eficiența și versatilitatea puse laolaltă pe utilaje forestiere de mici dimensiuni

🕔23:46, 19.Dec 2019

ProSilva este un producător finlandez de utilaje forestiere care combină dimensiunile reduse ale mașinilor sale cu acele caracteristici reflectate de eficiență, versatilitate și fiabilitate, pentru a face față chiar și în cele mai dificile condiții. | Marius IANCU Operațiunile mecanizate

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Prinoth, utilaje performante pentru mulcire, curățarea și pregătirea terenului

Prinoth, utilaje performante pentru mulcire, curățarea și pregătirea terenului

🕔17:07, 4.Dec 2019

Având la bază numele AHWI Engineering GmbH, Prinoth reunește astăzi agilitatea și dinamica unei afaceri de talie medie cu puterea și fiabilitatea grupului internațional Prinoth. Produsele „Made by Prinoth” sunt definite printr-o durabilitate de înaltă calitate. Cu robustele sale tractoare

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