Eco Log and Gremo become one
Eco Log and Gremo are now planning for a common future as a strong and comprehensive operator in the forest machine business. A first step has been taken as an Intent of Merger has been signed to move the production
Eco Log and Gremo are now planning for a common future as a strong and comprehensive operator in the forest machine business. A first step has been taken as an Intent of Merger has been signed to move the production
În primii ani, fondatorii Caterpillar s-au concentrat pe sprijinirea clienților pentru îndeplinirea anumitor lucrări grele: în exploatări forestiere, agricultură, construcții, exploatări miniere și întreținerea drumurilor. Nu a fost deloc ușor, însă au fost hotărâți să contribuie la ușurarea sarcinilor prin
Hyster Europe has extended its Fortens lift truck series with new highly maneuverable, space-saving forklifts that lift up to 8-tonnes. At the same time, trucks across the whole H6.0-8.0FT range have received several key updates. New space-saving lift trucks Hyster
Leading compact crushing and screening equipment manufacturer, EvoQuip has introduced a new hybrid hook-lift jaw crusher – the EvoQuip Bison 160. Ideally suited to hard rock as well as construction and demolition recycling applications, the Bison 160 Hybrid is the
Komatsu is one of the largest mining equipment manufacturers in the world. Its broad product range includes dump trucks, dozers, wheel loaders, excavators and hydraulic mining shovels. With the new PC4000‐11 hydraulic mining shovel, Komatsu meets the US EPA Tier
A higher torque, a wider range of applications and useful assistance systems for improved operator comfort and increased safety in one elegant design: Liebherr presents the LB 45, a successor to the proven drilling rig LB 36. The new machine
The exciting next generation of mining excavators, the Hitachi EX-7 series has been designed with the focus on safety, productivity, and connectivity. Incorporating the latest innovations, the new models illustrate how Hitachi is at the forefront of the technological revolution
The new compact loaders from Tobroco-Giant offers performance, outstanding versatility and reduced running costs and fuel consumption. With the G1500 (X-TRA) Tobroco-Giant introduces two articulated loaders with individual wheel motors for stability, maneuverability and productivity. The new G1500 is powered
Miniexcavatoarele sunt utilaje tot mai căutate în industria construcțiilor, popularitatea lor crescând continuu. Segmentul utilajelor mini își datorează importanța în special nevoilor impuse de lucrările în mediile urbane, unde restricțiile de spațiu și siguranță dictează trendul. Mai nou, un cuvânt
Doppstadt’s slow speed shredder line continues to expand. At this year’s IFAT, Doppstadt is officially launching two new models, the Inventhor Type 6 and the Methor, that are right in line with the company’s “Smart Solutions” concept: Mobile, modular machines
Hyva has further extended its range of hookloaders with its new Titan Long Series which is specially designed and built for customers in search for increased capacity in combination with more efficiency and cost-effective operations. These new hookloaders, which can
The Cat 352 UHD Ultra High Demolition excavator is designed to handle difficult demolition of tall structures using a range of Cat demolition attachments, including multi-processors, grapples, shears and hydraulic hammers with the retrofit boom. The UHD front can be
Mecalac MCR excavators offer the profitable advantages that will lift you over the competition. Operators enjoy driving them with the joystick and benefit from a real compact radius, at the rear and the front. The machines use standard skid steer
Titan Machinery România anunță începerea unui parteneriat de amploare cu unul dintre cei mai mari producători de utilaje din lume, compania americană Terex Corporation. Ca atare, începând cu data de 01 martie 2020, Titan Machinery România preia distribuția exclusivă a
The completely new 800 series is the largest and most powerful loader series from the Finnish manufacturer Avant Tecno. It pushes the limits of compact loader’s performance with 1.900 kg lift capacity and 3,5 m lift height. Still, its dimensions